Saturday, September 27, 2008


Repentance is an interesting word. For me, it conjures up feelings of shame and guilt about personal actions, with the intent of being forgiven. I think these feelings come about mostly from my Christian upbringing.

According to the definition is as follows: repentance - remorse for your past conduct

OK, so I'm not that far off. Why do I bring this up? I have made a commitment to myself for 40 days. I will begin my 40 day journey soon, but in preparation I am doing some study and reflection. In my studies, I have found a few interesting things I would like to share, and hopefully inspire some deep, meaningful conversation.

"The answer to the human predicament can be answered in a single word - Repentance", in this context the author continues to say, "Do not dwell on where we lost our way and all the ways we are bad, but rather to have the courage to face the pure, unsweetened truth of ourselves so that we can move on and grow in more honest and authentic ways." Very profound. I personally found in the past I repeat the same mistakes, guilty of the same sin, over and over. Why do I not learn? I ask for forgiveness, but it happens again and again. It is because I never looked myself in the face and accepted me for who I am, warts and all. Once you accept yourself, only then do you recognize the issues when they emerge. When you recognize them you can change your behavior or how you react to them.

In our "now" society, I would like to make this realization and be done with it. (OK, I fixed that one, how I'm done with that problem) Not really. Unfortunately, I think it is like everything else. You learn it, your try it, you fail miserably at it at first, you get better as time goes by and just before you die, you may get the hang of it. Life.

"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change." - Carl Rogers


Donna said...

We are familiar & comfortable in our old habits & that is why we fail when we commit to change them. We cannot do it alone but need to pray to God who knows all we have ever said or done, even our innermost thoughts. Even Satan knows when & how to tempt us or make us doubt ourselves. Only repentance and the blood of the Lamb save our souls to everlasting life. Only study of the Bible can show us how to live our lives and achieve peace within. This life is so short & most of what we do here, we will not brag on in the next everlasting life. Since God's angels are always busy, I wonder what works He will have us do in the next life? Love, Mom

R.D.C. said...

Great words of wisdom. Thanks Mom for everything! Love, Rebecca