Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lighting the Path

I know I already posted a blog today, but I just read a great story and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share it with you. I will just copy it word for word from the book I am reading (40 days to personal revolution) as to not mess up the point.

"We don't change by thinking; we change by being and doing with a pure intent. There is a story about two men, one a professor of philosophy, the other a sannyasin (seeker of truth), who were lost in the forest on a dark stormy night. The sounds of wild animals were chilling and the darkness dense. The storm grew stronger, the thunder louder, and suddenly lightning lit up the sky like the midday sun. The professor was looking up into the sky, watching the lightning and intensely analyzing their situation, and he didn't see the path through the forest, which was lit up in that moment. The sannyasin was watching the path and thus saw the way home.
When we are stuck in our heads, we are caught in a forest as dark as the one in the story. When a flash of lighting comes and lights the way, we must look for the light on our path so that we can take the right direction in that moment and go to new places in our lives. If you are reading about the forest, studying the map, or looking to the teacher, you miss out, because the lightning will not continue and darkness will return. The sannyasin knows that the lightning lasts only for a moment and that we must be fully present and open in order to see what it illuminates."

Good stuff...

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